Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two by two

My grandma used to have an old tandem bike that Megan and I used to play with every summer when we went to visit her in Kansas. I randomly thought about all the fun we had riding it around the neighborhood. (You'd have to ask Megan how fun it was...I'm pretty sure she did most of the work as she was the older sister and my legs were so short I'm not sure I was able to reach the pedals!) I wonder if Grandma still has it...

I started thinking that a tandem bike would be a SWEET get away "car" at the wedding. However, I'm not about to ride a tandem bike two miles to the hotel in a wedding dress! It would definitely be something you would do for pictures and ride it just around the corner where no one could see where a towncar would be waiting to drive you the rest of the way to the hotel!

I'm going to try to convince Matt that we should rent a tandem bike when we visit South Carolina over July 4th weekend. I already found a place that rents them! What do you think? Fun? Or am I crazy?


Brenna said...

it would be funny to watch. but unless you practice in a big dress, it might not be a smooth goodbye! but sounds fun to do. I want a tandem bike with a sidecar for Evelyn!

Megs said...

Such good memories- It was fun riding the tandem at Grandma's, although it wasn't exactly smooth riding. I remember it being hard. You could do it for the wedding- you ride side saddle and Matt do all the work!

MaryC said...

hmmm A tandem bike in a wedding dress, with Matt "driving", in the dark of night, and after beverages. It would be unique, but I think there are other ways to spend your wedding night than potentially getting stitches in an emergency room. Okay, so I'm a fun spoiler but I speak also from experience!
Better stick to the idea of trying the tandem in SC in swimsuits! By the way, when, where is the visit? I'm jealous! I love the SC shore.