Thursday, September 17, 2009

Always time to dream of a vacay!

Yes, I have my honeymoon booked and its quickly approaching (in 32 days – not that I’m counting). But since that’s already decided and I’ve already studied the resort website for months, I’m ready to start dreaming up the next trip!

I don’t know when we’ll take said trip, maybe next summer, depending on where we move, how much we are making, yada yada. But the dates aren’t nearly as important as the where! And I want your input, so please vote! And for the record, I’m pretending that budgets don’t really play a part here.

1. Italy and Greece
I realized a month or so ago that it has been seven years since I studied abroad. SEVEN years!? I can’t believe that much time has past and it makes me itch for a return trip oh so bad. Matt and I have both been but I really want to experience it together. I want to show him all my favorite places and discover new ones together. Just looking at pictures of Cinque Terre and Florence makes my heart race! Plus I want to experience Italy when I’m not on a college student’s budget!

We would probably fly into Rome and spend time in Florence and Cinque Terre.
Then off to Greece! I spent a few days in Athens when I was abroad for school but not nearly enough time and my true dream Greece destination is Santorini. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen pictures so beautiful!

2. Africa
Safari? Yes please! Seeing African animals in the wild and not in the Portland Zoo? Yes please! Hiking to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro? Yes please!

I was supposed to go on a trip like this at the end of my year abroad, but sadly the war started and the trip was deemed unsafe by the school and we couldn’t go. It makes me want to go THAT much more! And fortunately, Matt thinks it sounds pretty fantastic too!
Yes - that's a giraffe with Mt. Kili in the background - aweseome, I know!

And pretend that is a perfect world and we can go during June or July 2010 and be there for the World Cup. AWESOME! Matt and I both love soccer (I love to play more than watch and he loves to watch more than play, but still, mutual love.) 3. Hawaii
I’ve never been! And I’m banking on moving further west late Spring so the travel to Hawaii wouldn’t be miserably long. We could sip Mai Tai’s, soak up the sun, enjoy a pool with an infinity pool, go on hikes, zipline again, go to a Luau, discover beautiful waterfalls. Ahhh, I’m relaxed just talking about it!
4. Caribbean Cruise
The only cruise I’ve been on was on the Blue Danube and it was a small ship with mostly old people (by mostly, I mean I was the only person under 50 there). It was fun, but when I say cruise here, I mean a completely different experience. Although, I definitely expect the food to be equally delicious because that seems to be a staple of every cruise ship! I really don’t know a lot about Caribbean Cruises but they sound fun! Here are some highlighted activities:
-Climb Jamaica's Dunn's River Falls.
-Go mountain biking in Costa Rica's rain forests.
-Snorkel with stingrays.
-Go horseback riding on the beach.
-Dive 800 feet below sea level in a research submarine.
-Discover the inhabitants of a coral reef on a glass-bottomed boat.
-Explore ancient civilizations as you climb mysterious Mayan pyramids.

Doesn’t sound (or look) so shabby does it? Plus a big cruise ship would be a first for Matt and I and I love firsts!
See why this is such a tough decision and why I need your input? Please vote in the poll on the right handside of the screen.


Brenna said...

Hmm... out of all those places, I think I would choose Greece. and for the record, that was my answer on "How well do you know matt" but apparently the real answer was Florence. I now give myself back that point!
Even though Greece is my first choice, I do believe that every American has to go to Hawaii sometime in life and every one should go on a cruise sometime too. But I think the best time to head to the tropics is when it's chilly so it makes the trip that much better.
Just for me, Africa is not a necessary trip. I'm good with the Zoo and Mt. Rainier. But I would be impressed with you guys if you went! :)
PS- Matt has really fallen off the blog train.

Megs said...

Matt really has fallen off the blog train!! come on Matt, hop aboard the train and blog it up!

I think it really comes down to Italy/Greece and Africa. The other two just don't compare especially since you are doing the tropics thing for the honeymoon. I am surprised Bora Bora isn't on here?!

Hoag said...

I voted....but, I'm not telling you what I voted for!!
