Monday, August 24, 2009

Mac N Cheese Attempt 2

Way back in February I decided to try out Mac N Cheese recipes, inspired by a Mac N Cheese of the month club I learned about. Turns out I can't keep up with a once a month plan and as soon as the weather got warm I haven't had much desire to cook Mac N Cheese. But we did try out a new recipe in April when Megan and Becca came to visit.

The recipe was really hard to literally took Matt, Megan and me to interpret the directions.

The presentation was good though:
We didn't love the overall recipe but we did enjoy the top crust layer. Instead of the big chunks of bread we used in our first attempt, we use shredded bread and highly recommend this technique.
And of course, like any good Mac N Cheese, it smelled delicious. YUM!

Final verdict: Recipe was too hard to follow and we will not try it again but did pick up a few new techniques we can apply to future batchs of Mac N Cheese. I'm already planning our next attempt, it involves a unique and tasty presentation of the Mac N Cheese. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Megs said...

That was a very difficult recipe- an a bit disappointing. I do agree the bread crumbs salvaged the recipe.