Friday, September 18, 2009

Four weeks ‘til THE BIG day!

I would say the countdown begins, but that’s not exactly true. I officially started tracking (vaguely) how many days until our wedding around the 100 days left mark. But really, I have been waiting for this event since very early on in our relationship. How early? I looked back at emails and found April 1, 2008 as the first mention of getting married. Yeah, and we officially started dating on March 20th so I really have been ready for the wedding since the very beginning!

But don’t get me wrong, I love being engaged. Anytime I get antsy, I remember that we only get this time once, so enjoy it! Lots has happened since Matt and I got engaged on August 2, 2008.

I quit a job I loved. • Got a new job. • Moved to Knoxville. • Moved in with Matt. • “Girlified” the house. • Had knee surgery. • Went to six weddings (and I never even caught the bouquet! But Matt did catch the garter at Scott and Hanna’s wedding). • Spent way too many days in Louisiana. • Survived a snow storm in Portland and Seattle. • Cheered in person as the Zags beat UT in Knoxville. • Went to Nashville and loved it. • Went to Birmingham, Alabama for the first time…and Charlottesville, Virginia…and Raleigh, North Carolina…and Charleston, South Carolina. • Discovered a home away from home in the Oregon-inspired town of Asheville, NC. • Hosted my sister and niece. • Hosted our good friends Mat and Alison. • And hosted my soon to be in-laws. • Zip-lined through the Smokies. • Met new, fabulous friends in the South. • Missed my family and friends from the NW. • Taught Matt how to enjoy craft projects (invites, anyone?). • Swam in the Atlantic Ocean. • Camped near a swamp. • Met lots of Matt’s relatives – from his MOMma’s side. • Built a snow fort. • Got lost in a corn maze. • Got better at tennis. • Bought a Wii and mastered the Wii Fit soccer heading game. • Visited with fabulous friends in San Diego. • (Get ready for the cheese) Fell in love over and over again!

It’s been a wonderful 13 months. The 14th month will fly by but I intend to soak up every minute. My last month as Cara GISH – how weird is that!?

Can’t wait to see everyone at the wedding, it’s going to be such a special event and I can’t wait to share it with those I care about most! See you in 28 days!


Megs said...

It is very exciting that it is only four weeks away (less now!) It is hard to believe you have been engaged 13 months. It has gone so fast. can't wait til the wedding- LOVE you guys!

mojoprice said...

Funny that you say Asheville is Oregon-inspired. I was just there last weekend and thought the same thing. My girlfriend was here visiting from there in April, and she felt like she was pretty much at home. Funny how 2 different parts of the country can be so similar. I almost felt like I had never left the Pacific NW.