Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Skype Central

We LOVE skyping with the Sarvela family! We have so much fun talking with Megan, Mark, Corbin, Trent and Becca. Mom and Dad Gish have even come and visited with us on Sykpe too. In the beginning, Matt and Corbin were the goofballs and camera hogs. We have all taken a few notes and now our Skype calls get a little crazy! As you can clearly see from these pictures it is a party at the Sarvela house!

Trent and Becca both being crazy

Starring Trent
Starring Becca
And even Zoey joins the fun!

1 comment:

Brenna said...

We HAVE to set this up! since my sis will be gone next year I don't want Evelyn to forget her so we hafta do it! Also, everyone else in the fam of course. you could skype with us too!