Friday, December 12, 2008

BE -short for Bathroom Ettiquette

I debated whether I should blog about this topic. But when I expressed my concern to Matt, he said that bathroom etiquette was an acceptable topic and that people should read and learn about it. So I’m going for it!

In my opinion, there is an unspoken bathroom etiquette (BE). I have no idea where it originates and I think it’s something an individual just picks up over time. At the age of 26 I think I follow most of the unspoken rules. But if I’m being honest, I have to admit I have been on my cell phone and answered my cell phone while in a public bathroom…sorry if you’ve been the person on the other line! I believe that phone use in a public bathroom falls as questionable BE, but I could be wrong, I could be partaking in unacceptable BE in which case I apologize!

This topic came up after an incident at work earlier this week. A nice woman at my company walked into the bathroom while I was washing my hands. We politely greeted each other (acceptable BE). While standing in the sink area, she asked me when I am heading west for the holidays (acceptable BE). As I was answering her question she headed into the bathroom stall (questionable BE…I hardly know this woman so talking while she is going to the bathroom is a little odd. I will gladly talk to my friends while they are peeing, but even among friends this is questionable BE).

It gets worse…

My response about traveling was “Next Friday.” To which she says, “Oh, you are taking the week of Christmas off too.” I was thinking, “Phew. End of conversation, I can quickly make my exit.” But no, she continues on to tell me that she is taking the week off but isn’t traveling…she wants extra time off to just be at home, get ready for Christmas etc. You might be thinking, “Cara, that isn’t that bad. She was just carrying on a conversation.” But there is one more factor to consider. During this conversation, with me standing awkwardly by the sink, already done washing and drying my hands and coworker X in the stall, I can CLEARLY hear this woman going #2. Yep, she was pooping and it wasn’t subtle. There were definite farting and blopping sounds (very unacceptable BE). Ew. So I wrapped up the conversation as best I could and hollered back, “See you later” as I fled out the door.

Now if you do this type of thing, I’m sorry if you are offended…but please stop. It is awkward and not compliant with the unspoken bathroom etiquette.


Hoag said...

Did you just coin a new phrase? Blopping? Seriously? I'm grossed out just thinking about the sound of blopping!

Brenna said...

I too am grossed out about blopping! YUCK!!!! That was so unacceptable, it's ridiculous. I only feel that talking while peeing is SLIGHTLY, SORT OF acceptable when all parties are drinking and it's at a bar.
Sorry, Cara but I do have to say that I don't think it's acceptable BE to talk on your cell phone. I don't really have an explanation, I just don't think so. But I do think it's completely fine to talk to me in your own bathroom at home. It's just awkward for anyone else in the public BR to have to listen.

Anonymous said...

I think you should consult a bathroom professional we all know and love.....Deucer!!

DaddyHoag said...

I am not a fan of cell phones in the bathroom. I feel like it is rude to the person on the other end who for all I know is in a bathroom talking to me ...

And talking to someone peeing or on the toilet otherwise, only in moderation.

Anonymous said...

Blopping and talking totally unexceptable-especially with a co-worker! As far as, phones and pottying, I am not down for doing it in public, but at home, totally up to your own discretion. Mark says only with family- doesn't that make you feel loved? I try not to flush while on the phone, but Mark sees nothing wrong with flushing.