Tuesday, February 3, 2009

High fives of one of my top my pet peeves: Know It Alls

There is no way one person knows it all. Accept it and quit trying to act like you’re the one person who actually does know it all.

Learn to value other people’s opinions –you might be surprised to learn from other perspectives and sometimes, you might actually like their perspective more than your own.

It’s just annoying. It makes you less likeable if you are a Know It All…and don’t you want to be liked?

Two heads are better than one… It’s true! A collective group really can bring more to the table than one person.

My biggest peeve about Know It Alls is the way they take time to remind people that they were right when it is completely not necessary. And when they take that to another level and correct people just to correct people.

I’m in a meeting and currently annoyed with a Know It All. Can you tell?


Brenna said...

Hmmm I hope your Know It All isn't the same girl that reminds you of me!! :)

Cara Hoag said...

Definitely not the same girl! I love the girl that reminds me of you!